"Love your website."
-Ken Wilber-

"Your website is a light-house for any navigator in the ocean of nonduality."
-Marc Batz-

"America is something different from whatever evils its power structures have imposed on it. Imperfect people come and go, but under all of them is this river of America that the idealistic Founding Fathers so brilliantly conceptualized. They, too, were flawed humans, but this spirit of the United States is something else again. The flags waving are for that, not for George Bush. We are one, beyond where our leadership steers us. Thank God. We are a hope of the world. Maybe, thanks to this tragedy. we will achieve our promise. Let's pray for that."
-Suzanne Taylor, Founder of Mighty Companions-

This is an archival site, not maintained for all links to work but still a treasure trove of wonderful things.
Suzanne Taylor's current site is www.SUESpeaks.org. Become engaged there to help uplevel our worldview!


Suzanne Taylor

Wisdom Advisors

Carol Adrienne
Andrew Beath
Ken Carey
Alan Cohen
Richard Heinberg
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Thomas Hurley
Daphne Rose Kingma
Georgia Lambert
Robert Muller
Judith Orloff
Carol E. Parrish
Ronnie Rubin
Andrew Schmookler
John Steiner
Brian Swimme
Russell Targ
Marianne Williamson

Willis Harman

Lex Hixon

Terence McKenna

Robert Theobald

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"Now comes a period of settling down. This is a quiet time, in which the teacher of God rests a while in reasonable peace. Now he consolidates his learning. Now he begins to see the transfer value of what he has learned. Its potential is literally staggering, and the teacher of God is now at the point in his progress at which he sees in it his whole way out. 'Give up what you do not want, and keep what you do.' The teacher of God needs this period of respite...when he is ready to go on, he goes with mighty companions beside him. Now he rests a while, and gathers them before going on. He will not go on from here alone."
- A Course in Miracles -

These times are dangerously out of balance. Exploitation has supplanted interest in the common good. What can be done to bring about a more life-sustaining perception, grounded in an awareness that we are one?

The good news is that seeking God is giving way to expressing God. After lifetimes of spiritual practice, self-aware people can sit around the campfire, glowing together. This is an everyday God sort of thing, hearkening to earlier connections to the land and the tribe that have been acculturated out of us. It is timely now for those with a developed capacity for seeing through the illusion to grow a field of awareness.

What is coming clear to you? Let this site be a focal point to pulse the vibe of an awakened humanity.

-Suzanne Taylor-

"Noble friendship is the supreme remedy for all ills, physical and mental."

"Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour,
Rains from the sky a meteoric shower
Of facts...they lie unquestioned, uncombined.
Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill
Is daily spun, but there exists no loom
To weave it into fabric..."
-Edna St. Vincent Millay-

"A coalition already exists in spirit. It is coming together now in the social context by the attraction of its unconventional intelligence and compassionate form of high-mindedness. This natural coalition is drawn together by the recognition that the elevation of consciousness is our fundamental life work. This is a genuinely democratic, self-organizing force, flowing through persons of all descriptions. This force does not flourish as any highly structured form. It is not an institution or a foundation or a non-profit company or anything conventionally named. This coalition is a living organism -- natural, wild, free. It is made up of individuals devoted to serving the world and developing themselves as finely tuned instruments of service. They learn to gather in the energy of will-to-good, from which authentic goodwill flows out subtly to the entire world."  -Lex Hixon-

"Dedicated to encouraging the awareness of ourselves as a One Life."

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